Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yesterday and Today

From what I hear, several of us doing this 30 Day November Challenge had a rough first day.  Day 1 for me was not so hot either.  I went to see a nutritionist early in the day and found out I was kinda fat.  Doi.  I had to bite my cheek so as not to cry when she was reading me all my fat stats.  As embarrassing as it was, I knew I needed to hear the truth on Day 1 but I left a little discouraged.  After talking to my husband who always speaks truth to me, I was a little more encouraged.  That afternoon I spent some mediocre (on my part) time with God and then went running at 8:30 last night.  It wasn't till my shoes were pounding pavement that things got real.  God and I had good talks and I realized I had things flipped around in order.  I shouldn't have procrastinated all day to do the things he has called me to do.  So on Day 2, I have my workout clothes on already and I'm ready to go.  Here's to a better second day!

How was your first day?

Thanks to all who have joined in and shared your goals.  It's not too late to jump on this train!  Go here and read about our challenge and then leave a comment with your goals.



  1. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a "blah" day 1. I kind of crashed and burned over some halloween candy. And half heartedly did everything else. I'm hoping to get a renewed sense of motivation today though!

    Have fun on your run woman! Those are some of the best talks I have with God.

  2. Hi ladies! Love your blog and what you are both sharing here! I too have a food issue - with starches and sugar and it's not my weight, but my health that's suffering! It's been a lifelong struggle! But God is good and in control amen?
    I am reading a wonderful, inspiring book called "Made To Crave" by Lysa Terquerst that is helping me tremendously in my Battle. I highly recommend it. I also invite you to come visit me at my blog - - would love the company!!
    MANY BLESSINGS over you both and praying strength to stay fully committed and focused on your goals of taking care of your temples!
