Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All or Nothing

All or nothing, that's how I like to do things.  I'm not very good at moderation and middle ground.  I'm either eating clean and at the gym all week or I'm laying down eating cookies in a near coma.  Ok, that's a little bit of an exaggeration but not too far off.  For the past few weeks, my behavior has been more of the latter description and I'm kinda tired of it.  I've been saying, "Ok, tomorrow I'll get my crap together" for many days now.  Granted, my life has been a tad bit like a soap opera lately.  Still, I need to reign it back in.  I have been fighting a cold for two weeks now and I had a thought yesterday that hey maybe all this bad food I'm eating isn't helping me to get better.  I was talking to my husband about it last night and we decided to do a 3-day juice fast.  We have been juicing for over a year now and I've done a few 1-day fasts but it has been mostly just a supplement to our normal diet.  Also, it's an easy way for me to eat lots of food that I do not really like.  He took me to the Dr. last night to make sure I don't have strep or something crazy.  Thankfully it's still a cold but it has just gotten worse.  So my amazing husband, Ray, and I made up a bunch of juice last night and started this thing.  He is seriously great to do this with me!  

So here are my reasons for doing this:

1. I want these few days of denying my flesh to cause me to rely on God for strength and make his voice louder than any others in my life.

2. I want to flood my body with vitamins and nutrients to help fight off this sickness.

3. This will be a good time to refocus on what I put in my body and how food can help or hurt me.

4. My throat hurts and I don't want to swallow anything so this is kind of a perfect time to not "eat."

I'm not saying you all should do this, I'm just letting you know that I am and why.  I feel like this is what I am supposed to do and am praying God honors my obedience.

Hey y'all sorry for being m.i.a. on the blog here lately.  I'm back and will keep you updated on what's going on.  Also, I'm going to finish going over the rest of the book Made to Crave.  Did any of you ever get a chance to snag a copy?  If not, you should 'cause it's a great read.



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